Debt and ratings

View all documents published by BNP Paribas on its debt issuance programs. Consult the various flyers, information on programs and issuances, as well as investors presentations
View the latest investors presentations
  • Regulated information Thematic presentations Investors presentations

    Debt Investors Presentation

  • Investors presentations

    Debt Investors presentation - September 2024

  • Long term rating

    • Standard & Poor's
    • Fitch
    • Moody's
    • DBRS
      AA (Low)
BNP Paribas' mission is to contribute to a responsible and sustainable economy by financing and advising its clients according to the highest ethical standards.

Detailed documentation of issuance programs & bond issues

Browse our "Search and Documentation" area to view the information published by BNP Paribas on its issuances programs. View all the different flyers, issues benchmark, investor presentations, etc...


Debt ratings 


agency Short-Term Long-Term Senior Debt Outlook Date of last review
Standard & Poor's A-1


Stable 24/04/2023
Fitch F1+  AA-  Stable 16/10/2024
Moody's P-1 A1 Stable 17/12/2024
DBRS R-1 (middle) AA (low) Stable 20/06/2024

Information on green bonds

Investing in BNP Paribas green bonds means supporting the Bank for a changing world, contributing to a responsible and sustainable economy. It is to support secure, efficient and innovative financial services.

Contact Debt


In case of disagreement and/or misunderstanding on a debt security issued by BNP Paribas, please contact your usual intermediary within BNP Paribas Corporate and Institutional Banking. Should the problem persist, you can also contact the Debt Investor Relations officer noted above. Finally, should you not be entirely satisfied by the handling of your claim, you can also send it by mail to the mediator of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers at the following address: Le Médiateur de l’AMF - 17 place de la Bourse - 75082 Paris Cedex 2 - France.