Individual shareholders

  • Individual shareholders

    Juin 2024 - La Lettre des actionnaires

  • Group of documents (11 documents)
    General Shareholders Meetings

    AGM 14 May 2024 - Documents

  • Financial reports CSR

    2023 Integrated report

  • Group of documents (5 documents)
    General Shareholders Meetings

    AGM 16 May 2023 - Documents

Individual shareholder’s relation

Antoine LABARSOUQUE, responsable of BNP Paribas's individual shareholders, Gold Trophy
CSR Investor relations officer
Palais du Hanovre
16 rue de Hanovre
75002 PARIS

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Share performance

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Var 31/12/2023
Determine your savings effort and the yearly average rate of return


The part of profits generated by the company that the Annual Meeting, pursuant to the recommendation of the Board of Directors, decides to distribute to the shareholders. The undistributed part of profits is posted to the reserves in order to reinforce the bank's equity capital.
Performance of the gross dividend per BNP Paribas share since 1998 (EUR)


  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
  • 2009
  • 2008
  • 2007
  • 2006
  • 2005
  • 2004
  • 2003
  • 2002
  • 2001
  • 2000
  • 1999
  • 1998


  • 4.60(**)
  • 3.90
  • 3.67
  • 2.66
  • 0.0(*)
  • 3.10
  • 3.02
  • 3.02
  • 2.70
  • 2.31
  • 1.50
  • 1.50
  • 1.50
  • 1.20
  • 2.10
  • 1.50
  • 0.97
  • 3.26
  • 3.01
  • 2.53
  • 1.93
  • 1.40
  • 1.16
  • 1.16
  • 1.09
  • 0.85
  • 0.72
Dividends from 1998 through 2000 have been adjusted to take into account the split in half of the face value of the share on 20th February 2002.
(*) Suite à la recommandation BCE/2020/19 de la Banque Centrale Européenne du 27 mars 2020 relative aux politiques de distribution de dividendes pendant la pandémie de Covid-19, les sommes correspondant à la distribution initialement proposée à l’Assemblée Générale du 19 mai 2020, d’un dividende de 3,10 euros par action, ont été affectées au poste « Autres Réserves ».
(**) Subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting of 14 May 2024.

Creating value

BNP Paribas presents a table gathering the value created for shareholders (source: Universal registration document and annual financial report 2020).

Calculation parameters

  • Dividends are reinvested in BNP shares then in BNP Paribas shares; 50% tax credit was included until this system was abolished at the beginning of 2005.
  • Exercise of preferential subscription rights during the rights issues of March 2006 and October 2009.
  • Returns stated are gross, i.e. before any tax payments or brokerage fees.

Calculation results :

The following table indicates, for various periods ending on 31 December 2020, the total return on a BNP share, then on a BNP Paribas share, as well as the effective annual rate of return.


Individual Shareholders FAQs

If you wish to become a BNP Paribas shareholder and own part of its capital we invite you to buy at least one share.

Shareholders may hold BNP Paribas shares in two different ways: as "registered" shares or as "bearer" shares.




Anyone buying shares in bearer form becomes a BNP Paribas shareholder. Shares held in bearer form are managed by the bank or by the financial institution chosen by the shareholder.

Shareholders holding BNP Paribas bearer shares can request the conversion of their shares into registered shares (pure or administered form).




BNP Paribas Shareholders holding registered shares as at 31 December 2017 are 28,256.


Pure registered shares

Shareholders holding pure registered shares benefit from:

  • possibility to receive all communication and information published by BNP Paribas to the attention of its shareholders;
  • toll free number (France only): 0800 600 700 to transmit your stock exchange orders and for all information;
  • preferential brokerage fees: 0.30% up to EUR 330,000.00 and 0.20% beyond (with a minimum of EUR 7.00) – pre-tax value;
  • the use of the specific and secure “PlanetShares” website ( allowing you to review the history of your transactions, consult the amount of your disposals and transmit orders(1). You can access the website from your tablet and smartphone;
  • automatic receipt of notice of General Meeting of Shareholders, without establishing a participation certificate;
  • invitation on the internet to the General Meeting of Shareholders (“e-convocation”);
  • no custodial fees.


Holding pure registered shares in an equity savings plan (PEA) is not highly recommended due to the taxation applicable to this account. Shareholders whose BNP Paribas shares are held within a PEA can transfer them to a registered account and choose to hold them as administered registered shares.


Administered registered shares

BNP Paribas has also developed its shareholding offer of administered registered shares for its institutional shareholders. For those investors, this choice of shareholding combines the main advantages of both bearer and pure registered forms:

  • the shares can be purchased and sold at any time through the shareholder’s usual broker;
  • possibility of holding a single share account, linked to the cash account;
  • systematic invitation to exercise the right of vote and participation to General Meetings of Shareholders, without any intermediaries;
  • invitation to the General Meetings of Shareholders and to exercise the right of vote on the internet (“e-convocation”).


(1) subject to the subscription (free of charge) of a "contract for market benefits"

Payment of the dividend

The Annual Meeting, pursuant to the recommendation of the Board of Directors, set up the terms and conditions governing the payment of the dividend. The dividend may be paid in cash or with an option to receive payment in the form of additional shares. The option must be exercised, generally, within a period of three weeks after the cutting off of the coupon. The formalities are completed with the financial intermediaries authorized to pay the dividend.


Case of the dividend paid with additional shares

The new shares covered by this option bear interest from January 1st of the current year, and are issued at a price equal to at least 90% of the average of the first prices quoted during the twenty stock market sessions preceding the date of the Annual Meeting, less the amount of the dividend. In the event that the dividend due does not correspond to a round number of shares, the shareholder may choose to be paid a balancing cash adjustment or, alternatively, to pay a further amount allowing him to acquire an additional share.

Dividends paid to individuals French resident


Dividends received by French resident taxpayers are subject to a flat tax at the rate of 12.8%, plus the additional social security levy at the rate of 17.2%, i.e an overall taxation of 30%.

However, tax payers may opt for taxation at the progressive scale for income tax. This option is global and concerns all the taxpayer's income from investment income. It is exercised when the tax return is filed.


In both cases, taxation is levied in two stages:


  • At the time of payment: a 12.8% advance income tax payment


When dividends are paid, an advance payment for income tax of 12.8% is deducted at source by the paying agent calculated on the gross amount of the dividends, as well as the additional social security levy at the rate of 17.2%.


However, the 12.8% deduction is not applicable if shares are held within an equity savings plan (PEE, PEA, PEA-PME).


Taxpayers whose taxable income is less than EUR 50,000 (in the case of single, divorced or widowed taxpayers) or EUR 75,000 (in the case of taxpayers taxed jointly as a household) may request an exemption from the 12.8% deduction. An exemption request must be submitted, under the taxpayer's responsibility, no later than 30 November in the year preceding dividend payment (i.e. for an exemption in 2023, the request shall be filed 30 November 2022 at the lastest)


The year following the payment of dividends: final taxation


- Flat tax
The 12.8% initial deduction levied at the time of dividend payment becomes a definitive tax.


- Option for the taxation at the progressive scale of income tax
A 40% allowance on the gross dividend is then applicable. The 12.8% deduction operated by the paying agent is chargeable against the tax due on this basis.  Any excess is returned.


Dividends paid to individuals non French residents


Subject to the provisions of a double taxation treaty providing for a reduced tax rate, dividends paid to individuals who do not reside in France are subject to a withholding tax at the 12.8% upper rate.


However, a 75% withholding tax is levied if dividends are paid in a non-cooperative state or territory (NCST)(1).



(1) In 2023 the list of NCSTs subject to a 75% withholding tax includes: Anguilla, Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, Panama, Seychelles and Vanuatu.

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Shareholder Liaison Committee

After its formation in 2000, BNP Paribas decided to create a Bank Shareholder Liaison Committee to help the Group improve communications with its retail shareholders

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