Results and publications

View the latest publications of BNP Paribas Group’s results : press releases, quarterly series, financial statements, etc.
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  • Group of documents (6 documents)

    Results as at 31 March 2024

  • Group of documents (7 documents)

    Results as at 31 December 2023

  • Group of documents (5 documents)

    Results as at 30 september 2023

Results as at 31 March 2024

On the strength of its 1st quarter 2024 results, BNP Paribas confirms its 2024 trajectory – revenues more than 2% higher than 2023 distributable revenues(1) (€46.9bn), a positive jaws effect(2), a cost of risk below 40 bps, and Net Income higher than 2023 distributable Net Income(1) (€11.2bn).
First-quarter revenues were stable (-0.4%), driven by very solid business performances within each operating division. Operating expenses decreased (-1.5%). The Group thus generated a positive jaws effect(2) of 1.1 point. The effects of additional operating efficiency measures (400 million euros) are expected to begin showing up in the second quarter 2024.
Net Income (3,103 million euros) was driven by operating performances. Earnings per share(3) amounted to 2.51 euros.
The Group finalised its 1.05-billion-euro share buyback programme on 23 April 2024. The Board of Directors will propose a 4.60-euro dividend to shareholders at the General Meeting of 14 May 2024.
The financial structure is very solid, with a common equity Tier 1 ratio at 13.1%.

On the strength of its diversified and integrated model, the Group achieved good performances in the first quarter 2024, thanks to business momentum in the operating divisions. BNP Paribas continues to demonstrate its ability to generate value and confirms its 2024 trajectory, with revenue growth expected to surpass 2% compared to 2023 and Net Income above the 2023 distributable result. We continue to focus on expanding our market shares, supporting our clients, and rolling out our strategic initiatives. BNP Paribas is well positioned for the new phase of the economic cycle. I thank the teams for their mobilisation.

Jean-Laurent Bonnafé, BNP PARIBAS CEO

                                               consult the press release  

The latest figures

    €12,483 m
  • JAWS EFFET (2)
    1,1 pt
    29 bps
    €3,103 m
  • EPS
  • CET1
    13,1 %

The results in a few words

  • Stable revenues (€12,483m) driven by very solid business performances within each operating division 
  • Positive jaws effect (+1.1 point) [2]
  • Cost of risk[4] (29 bps) still low, due to the quality of the loan portfolio
  • Pre-tax income up sharply to €4,363m
  • Very high Net Income, Group Share, of €3,103m driven by operating performances
  • €1.05bn share buyback finalised on 23 April 2024, and €4.60 dividend subject to General Meeting approval on 14 May 2024
  • Earnings Per Share[3](€2.51) up sharply
  • Financial structure very solid (CET1 ratio of 13.1%)
  • Active management of capital including the divestment of Personal Finance businesses in Mexico and ongoing redeployment of capital from the Bank of the West divestment

(1) Restatement of quarterly series reported on 29 February 2024. Results serving as a basis for calculating the 2023 distribution reflecting the Group’s intrinsic performance post impact of the Bank of the West divestment and post contribution to the build-up of the Single Resolution Fund (SRF), excluding extraordinary items.
(2) Increase in Group revenues between 2023 (distributable) and 2024 minus the increase in Group operating expenses between 2023 (distributable) and 2024.
(3) Earnings per share at end of period calculated on the basis of Net Income excluding the remuneration of undated super subordinated notes in the first quarter 2024 and the average number of shares outstanding during the quarter.
(4) Cost of risk does not include “Other net losses for risk on financial instruments”.

BNP Paribas key figures


  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Total assets 2 591 499 2 666 376 2 634 444 2 488 491 2 164 713
Customer deposits 988 549 1 008 054 957 684 940 991 834 667
Customer loans gross 859 200 857 020 814 000 809 533 805 777
Common stockholders' equity 123 742 121 792 117 886 112 799 107 453
CET1 ratio 13.2% 12.3% 12.9% 12.8% 12.1%
Tier 1 capital ratio 15.3% 13.9% 14.0% 14.2% 13.5%
Total capital ratio 17.3% 16.2% 16.4% 16.4% 15.5%
  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Revenues 45 874 50 419 46 235 44 275 44 597
Gross operating income 14 918 16 717 15 124 14 081 13 260
Operating income 11 236 13 752 12 199 8 364 10 057
Pre-tax income 11 725 14 450 13 637 9 822 11 394
Net income Group share 10 975 10 196 9 488 7 067 8 173
  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Earnings per share (1) 9.21 7.80 7.26 5.31 6.21
Net book value per share (2) 96.0 89.0 88.0 82.3 79
Net dividen per share 4.60(8) 3.90(7) 3.67(6) 2.66(4) 0.0(3)
Pay-out ration (in %) (9) 50.00(8) 50.00(7) 50.00(6) 50.00(5) 0.0(3)
High (10) 67.02 68.07 62.55 54.22 53.81
Low (10) 47.02 40.67 39.71 24.51 38.14
Year-end 62.59 53.25 60.77 43.105 52.83
CAC 40 Index on 31st December 7 543.18 6 473.76 7 153.03 5 551.41 5 978.06


(1) Based on the average number of shares outstanding during the year. Calculated in 2023 on the basis of the distributable 2023 earnings and the number of shares outstanding at year-end.
(2) Before distribution. Revalued net book value based on the number of shares outstanding at year-end 2023, net earnings per share calculated on a number of shares outstanding at year-end.
(3) Following ECB/2020/19 recommendation of the European Central Bank of 27 March 2020 on dividend distribution policies during the Covid-19 pandemic, the distribution of EUR 3.10 per share initially proposed to the Annual General Meeting of 19 May 2020, was appropriated to “Other reserves”.
(4) UR 1.11 distributed following the approval of the Shareholders’ Combined General Meeting of 18 May 2021, plus EUR 1.55 distributed following the approval of the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of 24 September 2021; taking into account only the distribution of the 2020 dividend.
(5) Taking into account only the distribution of the 2020 dividend.
(6) Taking into account only the distribution of the 2021 dividend and not taking into account the EUR 900 million share buyback programme, executed between 1 November 2021 and 6 December 2021. 
executed between 1st November 2021 and 6 December 2021.
(7) Taking into account only the distribution of the 2022 dividend and not taking into account the EUR 962 million share buyback programme in respect of the so-called “ordinary” distribution.
(8) Subject to approval by the Annual General Meeting of 14 May 2024 and not taking into account the EUR 1.05 billion share buyback programme planned for 2024.
(9) Cash dividend distribution recommended at the Annual General Meeting expressed as a percentage of distributable net income attributable to shareholders.
(10) Recorded intra-day during trading session.